Friday, April 17, 2009

An afternoon in the Gorge

behind the falls

So yesterday, (or lasterday, as Hallie would say...) my friend Jeff and I took a little cruise into the Gorge for some hiking. It was a lot of fun, and was SO nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine. As I'm not working at the moment (changing SOON! YAY!) And Jeff is in the same boat, we decided to do a little exploring. Driving along the old highway is a favorite of mine. I could seriously road trip to ANYWHERE and half of the time enjoy the drive more then I do the destination :D Anyways, we went up to Horsetail falls, which isn't much of a hike, but the payoff is cool. You get to hike up behind the waterfall, and looking out is cool, if you look far, you can see the freeway, and the river (and can I say, I know this is lame, but I totally thought, 'Last of the Mohicans' being behind the water fall :P ). Pretty dang cool. We always took a little bit to look at the new tunnel going in, and the trailhead of Oneonta. It was awesome. Reminded me so much of going down to Abernathy with Justine, Cassie, Karlie and Kayla. Those are some SWEET memories, and there's nothing like freakin' freezing creek water to swim in during November :P So here's to having a fun day, warm sunshine ( FINALLY, warmth can quite takin' its sweet time to get here!) one of my favorite girl talk buddies, and God's wondrous works! Enjoy everyone!


  1. The pictures you took are beautiful! Looks and sounds like you guys really enjoyed your day out hiking in the bad it doesn't last very long right now, but more and more sun is peeking through.

  2. Jeff and I did that hike a couple of years ago. I really liked it. On our way home we saw the cops busting someday with a camp trailer full of pot! It was crazy. Fun times.
