Monday, June 15, 2009

Cool Video

I received this email and thought it was pretty sweet. Read before watching the video!

If you thought that the people who set up a room full of dominos to have them knocked over later was amazing, you haven't seen anything yet.

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in these images. Everything that you see happened in real time exactly as you see it.

The recording required 606 takes and in the first 605 takes there always was something, usually of minor importance, that didn't work. It was necessary for the recording team to install the set-up time after time and it took several weeks working day and night to achieve this effect.

The recording cost 6 million dollars and it took 3 months to finish, including the engineering design of the sequence.

The duration of the video is only 2 minutes, but every time that Honda shows the commercial on British television, they make enough money to support any of us for the rest of our lives. However, this commercial has turned out to be the most displayed in the history of the Internet.

Honda execs think that it will pay for itself simply because of the free showings. When Honda senior execs viewed it, they immediately approved it without hesitation -- including costs.

Everything you see in the sequence (besides the walls, floor, ramp and untouched Honda Accord) is part of two automobiles. The voice is that of Garrison Keiller. The commercial was so well received by Honda execs when they saw it, that their first comment was how amazing the computer graphics were. They almost fell out of their chairs when told that the recording was real without any graphics manipulation...

By the way, about the wind shield wipers in the new Honda Accords, they are sensitive to water and designed to start working as soon as they get wet.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting out of the stone ages...

This post is namely for my brother-in-law Todd... He for as long as I can remember has given me crap for having Facebook... Well one day, I was going about my business, and as I logged into my Facebook, I have a friend request... FROM TODD!! HA! I guess one of his college prof's said that he needs to get caught up with the direction the world is moving, and that includes Facebook. So... this was all so I could just say "HA!!!! Sucker!" :D Next thing I know he'll be blogging, then I'll know the world has come to an end.

Annnd... this picture just makes me laugh...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Okay, what a day! WHEW! So I'm a little overdue for a post, since I said I would do it weekly, buuut oh well :!! Well today was interesting to say the least. Here I was minding my own business, driving 205 Southbound, just about 5 seconds to my exit, and CRUNCH! I hear something rip into my tire... Aww $#*% is all I can think. So I quicky get on the off ramp, and immediatly hear this whooshing sound. Great... just great. And start feeling, thump, thump, thump. By the time I was to the top of the ramp my back drivers side tire was completely flat. I then slowly make my way to the 76 station right off the freeway and call my pops. He shows up about 20 minutes later, and we proceed to get the spare on until I can get it to Les Schwab (who by the way gave me 1/2 price since I just got these tires put on in December :D ) As you'll be able to tell from the pictures, the tire was completely unsalvageable. I'm pretty sure it was a license plate that I hit, and you can see it sliced right through my tire. PAIN IN THE ARSE is all I can say. I HATE car stuff. I swear I always have SOMETHING I have to do to this stinking truck. Anyways... here' are some pictures...

Here's my awesome dad (in his sweet hat :P ) to the rescue!

Flat as a pancake!!

The Giant tear/gash in the side( its easy to tell now why I literally heard the air rushing out of the tire while still driving)

Its a good thing I have an awesome dad who will drop whatever it is that he is doing to come help when I need him. Any of you who know my dad know what a stud he is :D He's always been the kind of man that anybody can call on, in any situation, and he'll be right there, to help however he can. What a great guy! Thanks pop, and I love you!