Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm getting sucked in....

I'm officially starting to get sucked into this whole "couponing" thing... it is addicting! Ha, its like a rush when you get an awesome deal! The biggest word of caution is to not just get things because you have a really good coupon or deal. Stick with your normal products... Swagbucks is one of my new favorite things. You earn points and can get really good gift cards, and prizes just by using their search engine! SO COOL!

Search & Win

I look forward to learning all the tricks because I think it will be an awesome tool for me when I do get married and have to take care of a family, and budget on a limited income. You know how things are when you first start out, its usually a struggle! So I'm going to get myself going now! Haha... hopefully this will take the negative conotation off of coupons in general, as it really is getting much more popular. Good luck!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dr. Suess Quote

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss

I found this quote on a random blog I was looking at and loved it. That Dr. Suess was a pretty smart guy :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just makes me laugh!

This is Jayce enjoying some lemon... This picture is HILARIOUS! Man what a cute kid!